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Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Short Rambling on "Sexual Sin"

So there are countless conservatives, fundamentalists and other members of the "Religious Right" who rant against the gay community, claiming that homosexuality is a sin that threatens the well being of American families. Some have even compared it to pedophilia, etc...

If these people are so concerned about sexual sin then why don't they rally against porn and the destructive nature of the sex industry? Whereas all arguments against homosexuality I've heard usually include a very fragmented interpretation of famous biblical quotes about Sodom and Gomorrah but no real concrete reasoning or proof that shows me that homosexuality destroys families, I see endless proof of the sex industry spreading physical disease and glamorizing the sexual slavery of men and women while promoting violence (including monstrosities like actual pedophilia) and actually breaking up homes and families. And yet nobody speaks out against it. Only on occasion I've heard people speak about it, but typically demonizing the women who perform in the sex industry as "sluts" and bemoaning the difficulties of the poor, defenseless men who "fall victim" to their wiles. To me this is just as backwards as saying the laborers in a sweatshop are evilly tempting me to buy the goods they make for two cents a day because the prices are so cheap!

Men I've known my whole life, men from my childhood church, ones who claim to be men of God, sit around the kitchen table saying things like "If they beat gay kids up the way they did when we were kids, we wouldn't have so many fags running around." They claim that it's evil, that it's against the Bible, that it's against God. They claim that it's just as evil as pedophilia. But they claim that it's okay that they themselves buy into the porn industry because as men "they have weaknesses" or "needs." Yet this porn industry has actually lobbied to pass laws to make virtual child pornography - and other equally evil, despicable things that actually do harm people - 100% legal in our country. There is never an excuse for two adults of sound mind to love each other, and yet there are a million excuses for porn.

Just a last thought: The times that Jesus mentions homosexual sin in the Gospels - 0. The amount of times that Jesus blasts hypocrisy - I can't even count. (But just a couple pertinent examples could be from Matthew 7:3 "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" or the famous John 8:7 "He who is without sin cast the first stone" -- yes, I know that last one is often misused, but I'm actually speaking about violence regarding what's deemed "sexual sin" therefore I think it actually applies here. In other words, instead of saying we should "beat the gay out of people" maybe you should stop patronizing an industry that capitalizes on slavery and violence toward women and children).